When you think of Pipe Smoking, you typically think of an old man, sitting in a cognac leather armchair in front of a fire place, with big, round glasses. However, studies have shown that pipe smoking is becoming increasingly popular amongst the younger crowd, such as those who enjoy artisanal coffees and eating at gourmet cafés. This occurs when someone starts a trend, and the rest follow right along. Pipe smoking used to be considered stuffy and passé. Now, it is considered classy and cavalier.

With the rise of younger folks smoking pipes, companies have started to introduce unique and epicurean blends of tobacco to appeal to their audience. They also offer a wide variety of wooden pipes with unique, personal designs that appeal to the younger generation which prefers one-of-a-kind wares.

With this resurfaced hobby comes accessories. However, if you’re new to pipe smoking, or you’re an avid smoker looking for some new additions to support your hobby, look no further than these carefully curated accessories that are sure to spice up your favorite pastime.

Here are five must-have accessories for the avid and newbie pipe smoker.

1. Ashtrays

Just like with cigarettes, pipes need ashtrays too. You don’t want to make a mess and have ash get onto your floors or clothing. If you want to set your pipe down, an ashtray is the perfect accessory for holding it! You typically don’t ash until you are done smoking your pipe, so you’ll want to make sure it stays upright and doesn’t spill over.  

2. Cleaning Tools

Pipes are different from cigars and cigarettes because they don’t disappear as you’re smoking them. You reuse your pipe over and over to smoke it, so you can image how dirty it must get. If you don’t clean your pipe, it’ll become soggy and foul-tasting. You’ll want to purchases either a pipe cleaning kit or individual cleaning accessories such as pipe-cleaners (No, not the ones you made crafts with in elementary school). Some cleaning tools that will be in a kit or purchases separately will be pipe cleaners, pipe sweetener (to get rid of the bitter taste), shank brush or cotton swab, pipe reamer, and a pipe tool or pick. To avoid getting buildup after you smoke, be sure to clean and maintain your pipe after each use.

3. Pipe Stands

When your pipe is not in use, it’s important to keep it stored on a pipe stand. Sure, you could leave it on your ashtray, but it won’t be as secure as with an actual stand. Pipe stands can either be wooden with a drawer attached for holding accessories, a simple magnetic stand, or a simple wooden stand with cutouts for holding your pipe. It’s all about personal preference and what kind of stand suits your personality.

4. Butane Lighter

You can go with the traditional match and light your pipe this way. However, if you want to be extremely aureate, you can spring for a high-quality butane lighter that will get the job done even faster. Personally, butane is my preference. It’s quick, easy, and reliable. 

5. Pipe Roll

When you’re on the go, you’ll want to carry your pipe in a secure pouch to ensure it’s safely put away. If you’re one of those who has an affinity for leather goods, I’d suggest a leather pipe roll to store your pipe in. A good pipe roll gives enough  nahssential item for me when I travel. In fact, on a short day or weekend trip, I usually take two pipe rolls to accommodate different pipes and different blends. 

More Than a Hobby

A pipe isn’t just a hobby, it’s an extension of personality. Thousands of people across the globe have picked this hobby up because it doesn’t just represent an activity; it represents a lifestyle. Smoking a pipe isn’t seen as stuffy or aged anymore; it’s seen as a posh and chivalrous deed that adds a sense of swankiness to your life.

There are many online magazines and blogs dedicated to this sense of masculinity and elegance that comes with smoking a pipe. Pipes have gone from stodgy to sharp and their growth in popularity is nothing short of exponential. It’s time to slap on the elbow-patches, puff on your hand-crafted wooden pipe, and become the dashing gentleman you were meant to be.